


Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!

In this section, I would like to give You an overview over the small or miniature portable „world receivers“. Since 1985, the technical improvements were terrific.

Even in 1980, a Panasonic DR-28 or Grundig Satellit 1400 have been advertised as travel radios, which „can be easily carried by the big handle and can be safely stored under your airplane seat…“ Nowadays, the user of the miniature worldband radios, hardly bigger than a matchbox, needs pointed fingers, to press the miniature buttons and switches.

In this section you will find worldband radios from around the size of a paperback book down to miniature size sets.

Sometimes, it's not easy to decide whether a model should be listed in the travel radio or portable receivers section, in these cases you might try both sections or consult the receiver list.

en/reiseradios.1615899085.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/03/16 13:51 von mb